distributed.net client for Linux Copyright 1997-2016, distributed.net Please visit http://www.distributed.net/ for up-to-date contest information. Start the client with '-help' for a list of valid command line options. dnetc v2.9112-521-CFR-16020313 for Linux (Linux 3.16.0-4-amd64). Please provide the *entire* version descriptor when submitting bug reports. The distributed.net bug report pages are at http://bugs.distributed.net/ [May 27 11:26:07 UTC] Automatic processor type detection found an AMD Athlon 64 processor. [May 27 11:26:07 UTC] OGR-NG: using core #0 (FLEGE-64 2.0). [May 27 11:26:27 UTC] OGR-NG: Benchmark for core #0 (FLEGE-64 2.0) 0.00:00:16.65 [20,958,398 nodes/sec] [May 27 11:26:27 UTC] OGR-NG: using core #1 (cj-asm-generic). [May 27 11:26:47 UTC] OGR-NG: Benchmark for core #1 (cj-asm-generic) 0.00:00:17.08 [24,664,960 nodes/sec] [May 27 11:26:47 UTC] OGR-NG: using core #2 (cj-asm-sse2). [May 27 11:27:06 UTC] OGR-NG: Benchmark for core #2 (cj-asm-sse2) 0.00:00:16.12 [17,874,041 nodes/sec] [May 27 11:27:06 UTC] OGR-NG benchmark summary : Default core : #1 (cj-asm-generic) 24,664,960 nodes/sec Fastest core : #1 (cj-asm-generic) 24,664,960 nodes/sec [May 27 11:27:06 UTC] RC5-72: using core #0 (SNJL 3-pipe). [May 27 11:27:25 UTC] RC5-72: Benchmark for core #0 (SNJL 3-pipe) 0.00:00:16.69 [7,386,941 keys/sec] [May 27 11:27:25 UTC] RC5-72: using core #1 (KBE-64 3-pipe). [May 27 11:27:43 UTC] RC5-72: Benchmark for core #1 (KBE-64 3-pipe) 0.00:00:16.44 [8,001,916 keys/sec] [May 27 11:27:43 UTC] RC5-72: using core #2 (GO 2-pipe c). [May 27 11:28:03 UTC] RC5-72: Benchmark for core #2 (GO 2-pipe c) 0.00:00:17.02 [8,458,971 keys/sec] [May 27 11:28:03 UTC] RC5-72: using core #3 (GO 2-pipe d). [May 27 11:28:23 UTC] RC5-72: Benchmark for core #3 (GO 2-pipe d) 0.00:00:17.03 [9,011,903 keys/sec] [May 27 11:28:23 UTC] RC5-72 benchmark summary : Default core : #3 (GO 2-pipe d) 9,011,903 keys/sec Fastest core : #3 (GO 2-pipe d) 9,011,903 keys/sec [May 27 11:28:23 UTC] Compare and share your rates in the speeds database at http://www.distributed.net/speed/ (benchmark rates are for a single processor core)